Mr. Magic-Columbus
Here is a Magic Trick just for you


Here is a Magic Trick just for you

I am going to try and make a prediction. This will be a magic trick done entirely over the internet. Let me see if I can read your mind.

1. Think of any single digit number

Do you have it?

2. Multiply that number by 9. I will wait while you remove your shoes to do this.

Do you have it?

3. Add both the digits of the new number together, in other words if you are now thinking of 16 the two digits added together is 7. I will wait if you are confused.

There is no way I can have any idea so far of what you are thinking.

4. Now add 16 to this new number.

Do you have it?

5. Numbers are hard to visualize so now I want you to ask you to find the corresponding letter that matches your number. For example if you are thinking of 1 the corresponding letter would be A see chart below.

A-----1 B-----2 C-----3 D----4 E-----5 F-----6 G-----7 H----8 I-----9 J----10

K----11 L-----12 M---13 N---14 O----15 P---16 Q---17 R---18 S---19

T--- 20 U----21 V----22 W----23 X---24 Y----25 Z----26

Do you have a letter?

6. Think of a color that starts with your letter.

Do you have a color?

7. Now I want you to take the next letter in the alphabet list above and use it to think of an animal that starts with that letter. For example, if you were thinking of the letter A before the next letter would be B.

I know this is long but it is worth it.

8. Think of an animal that starts with this letter.

9. Now think of a Continent that this animal lives in.

10 So now you are thinking of an color-animal and Continent.

Are you ready for my prediction?

see below.


If you wish to have magic performed for your club or organization that has a comedy flair with a lots of audience participation. Then give Mr. Magic a call at:

Now if you think that trick was good you will definately like this one. It is amazing! Click on this line to see it.